She must know that her/
lengthy silence hurts. What does/
it mean? Broke phone? Or…?
Tag Archives: romantic poetry
Not Telling Kissing: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Don’t you hate it when/
people kiss and tell about/
you, but you didn’t?
Too Late For Valentine’s Day: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament
I was wondering/
if she’d like my gifts, but she’s/
done, so I don’t care.
Stumble To Fall: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
She hoped I wouldn’t/
stumble over her. It’d be/
nice to fall for her.
Recognizing Getting Hung Up On: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I’ve been hung up on/
before. Sometimes it’s deserved./
I know the diff’rence.
Drowning Relationships: Romantic Blogging Haiku Lament
He’d seen it often./
She, interested, bantered./
He fell overboard.
Does Beauty Get Sick: Shakespearean ConTEXTing Haiku
Does beauty get sick?/
And is it physical thus/
to be? I knew not.
Impressing Women: Romantic ConTEXTing Free Verse
Executive jets
To desert
mean nichts to her.
gazebo waltzes
rolling down hills
feed her soul
let her fantasies
take flight.
Who Needs Practice? Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
I tend to stay far /
away from girls who say they/
need kissing practice.