She is wooing me/
beyond my capacity/
to hold back my heart.
Tag Archives: romance poetry
Smoothie Time: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
I can pick her up/
In my ragtop for a cool/
smoothie. How groovy!
Control The Flame: Romantic Improv Haiku
If you get the fire /
going, then you might lose sight/
of gorgeous sunsets.
A Worthy Invitation: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku
Now I just have to /
figure out an invite that/
is worthy of us.
Flattering Haiku: Romantic Rhyming IMprove Haiku
Will a haiku which /
flatters allow me to get/
to know you better?
Will a haiku which /
flatters you let me fin’lly/
get to know you well?
When She Doesn’t Answer: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I tried to call. No/
answer, so I went dancing/
by myself instead.
Paying Too Much Attention: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Why do they say it’s/
dangerous for guys to act /
too interested?
Memories At A Dance: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I couldn’t recall,/
but she remembered. I was/
her first kitchen dance.