I knew not her name,/
just from whence she came./
She didn’t make it easy,/
and she wouldn’t tell me./
So at last she lost the game.
Tag Archives: romance poetry
Not Wanting Out: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I didn’t want to/
get out of relationships,/
but had to feel loved.
Does Anybody Know The Score? Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Suddenly he knew/
that his cleverness and his/
effort scores macht’s nichts.
Dream-worthy Woman: Romantic Email Haiku
“She’s the stuff that dreams/
are made of!”, the poet/
“I’ll go back to sleep.”
The poet thought: “She’s/
the stuff dreams are made of!” and/
wished to sleep again.
She Was Here Twice: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
My best mem’ries of/
this town involve someone who/
just visited here.
My best mem’ries of/
my city are with someone/
who just visited.
I Learned My Lesson: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
She was my friend. How/
can I judge her for sinning/
how I used to sin?
She was my friend. How/
can I judge her for doing/
what I used to do?