With women it’s wise/
to withhold sonnets but not/
such tasty omelettes.
Tag Archives: rhyming haiku
32 Years Ago Today: Revolutionary Rhyming ImproVerse Haiku
Bring melancholy feelings/
When the meaning’s gone.
New Shoes Muse Blues: Revolutionary Rhyming IMprov Haiku
I need the chance to/
view what I can do with a/
new muse in those shoes!
Give me a chance to/
view what poetry can do/
to a new shoes muse!
The Pain Of New Learning: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
I dislike learning/
something new at the expense/
of relationships.
I dislike learning/
something new/
at the expense of keeping/
my great relationship with you.
Affectation Effect: Revolutionary IMprov Limerick
Her affectation/
of pronounciation/
effected me/
It’s linguistic frustration.
Unfair Everywhere Memories: Romantic IMproVerse Rhyming Haiku Lament
It’s just not fair. No/
matter where I look there’s her/
mem’ries everywhere.
Placed In Xanadu: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
Oh codeine! Thou who/
hast placed me in Xanadu
with Coleridge’s high*.
Silent Good Night: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku Lament
Although it feels strange/
to not talk to you today,/
as you say: “Good night.”