As if on cue, the
bright colors and hues of fall
Start to show and glow.
As if on cue, the
bright colors and hues of fall
Start to show and glow.
When you dye to look
KPop cool, but your black hair
looks toupee old fool.
When you think it would
be fun to look like K-pop
but looks like toupee.
I grab her now like
she once grabbed me. There is no
result I can see.
surrounds me daily. I’ll find
When we feel God’s Grace
and Spirit, let’s marinate
in it a minute.
I’ve been long away,
but today I stepped outside,
connecting inside.
With no direction/
towards perfection, I just/
stumble and bumble.
How surprised am I/
to see a cold December/
butterfly flit by!?!
It’s not a hickey.
It’s a tick. He stuck himself
deep in my neck. Heck.
Writing a haiku/
on Kobayashi Maru/
is hard. Done. I won.