Feeling Groovy: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Haiku

Since she truly likes/
me, then that must mean I am/
all sorts of groovy.

It doesn’t matter/
if she likes me. I am still/
all sorts of groovy.

Naturally she digs/
me. How couldn’t she? I am/
all sorts of groovy!

Empty Blank Verse: Romantic ConTEXTing Poetic Lament

____ _________ _____ _______ ___________.
__ ______ ______ _____ _______ ___ ____,
__________ _____ _____
________ __ _____ ______!
________ ______.
_ _______.

I guess/
nothing’s worse/
than blank verse/
about emptiness.

Being A We: Romantic Blogging Rhyming Haiku

It’s weird to learn she/
doesn’t want to be “We”. I/
didn’t know we were.

It’s weird to learn he/
Facebooked that they are “we”. She/
didn’t know they were.