Rewriting My Past Scripts: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Sonnet

If I stand
And demand
Certain acts,
Then take others to task,

How am I
The sort of guy
Who is in any way kind?
I am out of my mind.

I often can’t read
What others might need,
But when they misread me,
I pout, and spout anarchy.

It’s not fair nor right
To put others though this plight.

Facing An Abyss, Spurned: Romantic IMprov Poetry

She stood/
on the verge/
of opening./

Facing the great chasm/
and depths of life,/
she clung to him/
who explained/

As she leaned forward/
to leap/
into the abyss,/
hoping a net would appear,/
feeling secure/
that he would not let her/
he took a phone call./

So she, feeling spurned,/
and ran,/
back to her safe place,/
and put back on her bland face,/
and hid.