Fill In Life’s Gaps With What? Revolutionary Blogging Iambic Verse

You may,
on the daily,
learn what He wants you
to do.

You may
His call,
but that’s all.

Then what?
Do you sit on your butt?
Do you fill in your life’s gaps
with mindless crap?

I could delight
and write.
might bring my soul elation.

Or do I waste time
doing things less sublime?
Creating my inner “duuuuuhhhh”
with social media?

Or watch sports,
or comedy shorts,
or other junk to see
on TV?

When I do nichts
it makes my heart sick.
When I create
my soul feels great!

So why
don’t I
at least try?

Riding The Ferry To Vashon Island: Rhyming IMprov Poem

My daughter stands on the front of the Washington State Ferry making a run from Fauntleroy to Vashon Island. She’s in front of the cars, the bikes, the motorcycles, with little in front of her but the safely net and the salty spray. A friend takes her picture. 

The bow/
is how/
and the right way/
to ride the ferry.

A Sonnet To Salute The Salutatorian: Revolutionary IMprov Sonnet

Out on a tree’d hill he stood,
walking in the buggy grass;
never caring he was that good;
never thinking to place high in his class.

‘Neath scaled hickories without effort
(it seemed), he read, wrote, studied.
With his cousins on and in X’d videos he’d cavort,
whether the paths were pulsing, dry or muddied.

He sparred with great wit and thought
as he discussed, with authors, literature.
He pondered and argued upon what he got
from reading ancient and revealed Scripture.

At last, now, as BigEP reaches a good childhood’s end,
Let us salute the brain’d heights of this Salutatorian!

Finally Learning Life’s Lessons: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

My early life seemed always
to play the same old song.
I lived a decades-long phase
where I was told “You’re wrong.”

Everything I did or said
was corrected or changed.
It at last went to my head.
I felt foolish and deranged.

In my effort to change my life
I took another way.
I dumped corrective strife.
It seemed foolish to stay.

Now I see the truth of my strange and weird way:
I’m at last honest. Now I must be certain of what I say.

Lying In The Clover: Revolutionary IMprov Sonnet

LyingInTheClover_FrontYard_March2018When you’re lying in the clover
on a sunny Spring day,
you need not mull problems over;
the world seems far away.

Take off your shoes;
lay down your blanket or quilt.
Cast off your troubles and blues.
Relax yourself without any guilt.

Let your heels connect to Mother Earth.
Grab the moment to fee the sun shine all around.
Drink deep of harmony, peace, joy, healing, mirth.
Harvest insights deep and profound.

Your’re shadowed cuz your sweetheart nuzzled up to your face?
Enjoy the warmth of it all. You’ll never find a better place!