The work of man’s hands/
can be blown away quickly,/
like a thistle’s down.
The work of man’s hands/
can be buried quickly, like/
down on the thistle.
Driving home late night,/
I zoom ’round a round-about/
twice, fast, rockin’ “YEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!”
When I get stood up/
on a date, I can always/
do open mic poems.
I can sit/
in the Walmart/
parking lot,
top down rockin’,/
and make people happy.
Slow freeway traffic/
in my ragtop means I can/
watch sun- and moon-set.
I gazed past the legs/
of Don Quixote to hear/
Messiah’s surprise.
The small-town graveyard/
is the last distillery,/
creating spirits.
The cemetery/
is our last distillery,
refining spirits.