If you smell really/
pretty, the world will beat a/
path to your blossoms.
Tag Archives: revolutionary poetry
Learning By Experience: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
She would have enjoyed/
the experience more, but/
I needed to learn.
You Don’t Know Me Red Flags: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Why so quickly raise/
red flags before finding out/
what is really true?
A Doll? Really? Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Dolls I’ve known have had/
no mind, will, or power of/
their own. Sad objects.
Blues Dancers In The Window: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
If the reflection /
is right, you can move from the /
dance floor to the street.
Major Shrinkage Results: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
Get major shrinkage/
camping: Increase the chance of/
peeing on yourself.
Maroon Truck Morons: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem
The outhouse sign said:/
“Please don’t throw trash/
in the toilet.”/
So the fishermen/
in the maroon 4×4 pickup truck/
threw their garbage/
in the river, instead.
Diamonds Hung: Revolutionary IMproVerse Free Verse Poem
Orion’s Belt hung
on the west canyon rim,
like three diamonds
on the velvet black counter
of God’s cosmic jewelry store.
I didn’t ask to buy them,
for they were already in
my possession,
and the experience,
next to the rushing river rapids,
under a waxing half moon,
caressed by the cool canyon breeze,
was priceless.
I simply pointed at the three diamonds,
and thanked my Heavenly Shopkeeper .
Thanks For Miracles: Revolutionary Email Haiku
How do you fully/
thank someone who gifts you a/
new life miracle?