Exposing Inner Struggles: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku My inner struggles/ are manifest outwardly / so others can see. Or Should my struggles be / thus manifest outwardly/ so others can see?
Expectations = Requirements: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Requirements are/ expectations that must be/ met. If not, no deal.
The Importance Of What We Do: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku We do what is most / important to us. When we/ don’t do, then we know.
Capitol Hill Still Life With Ramones: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Same sex couples stoll/ past my ragtop. My brain is/ hanging upside down. OR … My world is/ hanging upside down.
Can You Still Hear Him? : Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku With all the voices / in your head, make sure you can,/ at last, still hear Him.
Worrying About Lives: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Why do I worry/ about others’ lives? I have/ my own life to live.
Ambiguous Reflections: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Rhyming Haiku Ambiguity / is all around me. Do I/ see my reflections? OR Ambiguity / is all around me. Are those/ reflections I see?
Barriers To Wanting Something: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku When you want something,/ sometimes time, space and distance/ should not matter much.
Wasting Worrying: Revolutionary Improv Haiku Why waste worrying/ about people who don’t care/ that you are concerned?
Your Gutter Mind: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Please remove your mind from the gutter so mine may slowly drift on by.