I pray and ask God/
“What should I do?” The answer/
is always just “Love.”
#LightTheWorldNow #BuildTheKingdom
I pray and ask God/
“What should I do?” The answer/
is always just “Love.”
#LightTheWorldNow #BuildTheKingdom
Torn tendons. Torqued back./
Bruised wrist. Blisters. Bad eyes. Scouts,/
yard work, or marriage?
Jes cuz I warn’t born/
down South in Dixie, don’t mean/
I can’t still love her.
Once upon a time/
my Sunday School teacher said: /
“Shape Up!” So I did!
My early life seemed always
to play the same old song.
I lived a decades-long phase
where I was told “You’re wrong.”
Everything I did or said
was corrected or changed.
It at last went to my head.
I felt foolish and deranged.
In my effort to change my life
I took another way.
I dumped corrective strife.
It seemed foolish to stay.
Now I see the truth of my strange and weird way:
I’m at last honest. Now I must be certain of what I say.
When you’re always wrong,/
perhaps you’ll learn to not speak,/
or check facts better.
There are times when my/
response seems trite. It’s ‘cuz I/
must do it justice.
I saw gorgeous seas,
billowing golden clouds,
bright blue skys,
frothy waves,
elegant birds,
majestic trees,
bright and colorful wildflowers,
lush landscapes;
a fantastic sunset;
but when I viewed
a picture of my granddaughter
for the first time,
I simply muttered,
and wept with joy.
I’ve watched her grow,up,/
spread her wings, fly, fly away!/
Can she suggest where?
Folks ask “What’s your dream?” /
If I don’t know, it may be/
that I’m living it.