who suddenly let out a stink.
(S)He put me on the brink
of changing how I think
about underwear
and fresh mountain air.
How often must I/
hear “You’re the best ______ ever!”
before I’ll believe?
I walk thru a dead/
neighbor’s house and think: I should/
give away my stuff.
Go, take care of your/
fam’ly. Forget me. That’s how/
it prob’ly should be.
Christmas miracles/
still happen. My children healed/
many broken Hearts.
I’ve learned I’m groovy./
But even groovy guys can/
get their feelings hurt.
A friend wrote me a thought flow / poem through email. When I didn’t receive it, she said “It was dumb, anyway!” (actually, it was brilliant… as usual), to which I responded:
In the writing world,/
there is no dumb poetry,/
just thoughts unexpressed.
Please remove your mind
from the gutter so mine may
slowly drift on by.