I asked God for more
energy, and He gave me
two wasp stings. That worked!

I asked God for more
energy, and He gave me
two wasp stings. That worked!
Never go to a chill
rest’raunt and get takeout
when you’re in a rush.
It’s a new joy when
you can sit in the woods and
enjoy bugs on you.
I must clean, be clean,/
and have faith. Why are two so/
easy, and one not?
I’d never seen such*/
shimmering on bee’s wings, but /
I’d never looked close.
Video taken at Spirit Tree Farms 23 June, 2024, Catoosa County, NW Georgia. Native bee in the sunset on a native sunflower. Look at the sunset’s reflection on the bee’s wings. Original music by Marnie Kuhns, Creation Girl.
When taking care of
others means you don’t take care /
of yourself, please change.
You’re not doing what/
you should be doing? How do/
you get back to it?
How many songbirds/
get sacrificed so we have
no vermin? Balance!
How many songbirds/
must die so we have no mice?
Feral cat balance.