What if I, at last,/
am ready and she, after/
this long wait, is not?
Tag Archives: repentance
What Repentance Feels Like: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Repentance feels like:/
Fin’lly doing all the hard/
things you should have done.
Back On Track: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
The waiting room and/
His Priesthood are the same. It’s/
me who’s fin’lly changed.
I Love To See The Temple – Part 2: Revolutionary Improv Primary Song Redo

I’m going back some day./
I used to love to go there/
but then I lost my way./
But the Temple is a holy place/
that I will not defile./
I’ll go back there when I am clean,/
*though it may take a while!
*it’s taken quite a while!
If you want to hear me sing the song (in improv format) as it happened, go to this link on YouTube
Repentance Changes You: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Who thought i’d see when/
I became “The man standard”?/
Repentance does that.
If The Prodigal Son Finds Nobody Home: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
How can I tell you/
of my joyous return when/
you already left?
How can he tell her/
of his joyous return when/
she already left?
I’m Repenting: Revolutionary IMproVerse Haiku
When you stand and preach,/
doesn’t the mem’ry of what/
we did call you out?
When she teaches, why/
doesn’t the memory of what/
we did trigger guilt?
Dam Burst: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
She was proud that she/
had played a large part in the/
dam bursting open.
Task Master: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
What happens when I’ve/
completed all the tasks she/
said I needed to?