I don’t remember/
clothes being so warm, but at/
this point, I don’t care.
I don’t recall my/
clothes being so warm. At this/
point, I do not care.
I don’t remember/
clothes being so warm, but at/
this point, I don’t care.
I don’t recall my/
clothes being so warm. At this/
point, I do not care.
I’m ignoring her,/
of course. Otherwise it hurts/
too much to recall.
When a dream girl from/
your past once more reappears/
how should you respond?
I recall her first/
photo: Manicured fingers/
and pink parted lips.
God is good always./
All the time, God is good. Why/
don’t I remember?
It took nearly two/
minutes watching the moon rise/
to remember her.
When your holiday/
spirit start to swerve, just sing,/
remember, and serve.
I found a poem I/
wrote her in late December./
Will she remember?