I could write her a/
story, but I would not/
post it publically.
Tag Archives: quiet
Loon Calls The Sunset Goodbye: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem
My video camera ran,/
dancing with the lake’s waves/
and the sky’s reflections.
My fingers froze,
trying to hold lens steady,
silently breathing.
I’ve learned to be quiet,
to live with the pain
of stillness.
It was all worth it
to hear a lone loon
call the sunset goodbye.
Muse Never By Name: Romantic Email Free Verse Poem
Some may call out
their Love
in public.
I would never,
by name,
name her who inspires,
motivates me.
will be
to the world,
known only
to me.
As it should be.
I won’t write
about her,
by name;
by specific reference.
The world would never say:
“This piece about her,
Who was the piece
“Fuer Elise” for?
Who was Elise?
If she is my muse,
I must write about her.
I cannot keep silent
about her.
But no one will ever know,
for sure,
it is her.
Just as God writes about people:
“There was a certain woman …”
keeping her identity
only by inspiration
And if she asks:
“Is it I?”,
I may smile.
Why Be Quiet: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
When I’m quiet, I/
could be hurting, or maybe/
blissfully happy.
Searching For World Peace: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
Sarah Palin can/
see Russia from her back yard./
I hear the freeway.
What The Silence Asks: Romantic IMprov Limerick
From whence/
cometh the silence?
In the uncanny quiet/
that lasts the night,/
I wonder where your smile went.
Stopping Her Complaints: Romantic IMprov Haiku
If he were with her/
he’d grasp her fingers tightly/
and kiss her quiet.