The morning of my eye surgery,/
another memory/
and her thumbnail moon, shiny,
again greeted me./
Never more with glasses to be./
I’d soon see/
Near perfectly./
But she/
Won’t and wouldn’t see/
As I drove toward the city,/
and the facility/
where doctors waited patienty,/
I couldn’t focus.
Tag Archives: Poetic Lament
Slipping While Climbing: Romantic Blogging Sonnet
He tried to climb/
to her lofty peak.
Companionship sublime/
was what he’d seek.
He lost the right path/
along that high way.
Trying to create laughs;
he failed in what to say.
As he fell and slipped/
down the mountain side,/
he murmured to himself, tight lipped:
“That wasn’t how I should have tried.”
He wondered: Could he try again, change and repent/
now that he was sure where the correct path went?
Sympathy As A Friend Passes: Revolutionary Email Rhyming Haiku
Death’s just a gate, but/
to we who must wait, it’s a/
wall we wet with tears.
I Thought She'd Want To Know: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
The one person I/
want to tell about something/
amazing won’t talk.
Another Friday Night: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
My first official/
Friday of freedom, and I/
ain’t got nobody.
When "Lift Where You Stand" Won't Work: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
You can’t “Lift where you/
stand” if someone intrudes and/
does your work for you.
A Dying Phone Battery Means No Snuggling: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament
When my phone batt’ry/
dies, I can’t even snuggle/
next to your photo.
Missing Her Missing Him: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament
He missed her laughter,/
energy, spirit and more./
She just missed his thumb.
Not Wanting Out: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
I didn’t want to/
get out of relationships,/
but had to feel loved.