Her desire was not/
to be wildly taken, but/
deeply listened to.
Tag Archives: poet David Kuhns
2 Get Love Equation: Romantic IMprov Haiku(s)
He was so shy, love/
was impossible for him/
without her boldness.
Don’t be so shy that/
love’s impossible for you/
without their boldness.
I Like To See Her Facebook Smile: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
I think I keep her/
as a Facebook friend just to/
see her photo’s smile.
I think I may keep /
them as Facebook friends just to/
see their pictures’ smiles.
What She Needs To Love: Revolutionary Email Haiku
She thought she needed/
funding, fortune and freedom./
She needs to love her.
Utah Post Valentine’s Day Lament: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Gosh darn it all to/
Heck! I forgot to wish you/
Happy Valentine’s!
Valentine’s Day Ancestry Bouquet: Revolutionary IMprov Sonnet
For my family’s Valentine’s Day
I thought I’d make a bouquet
showing our German ancestry
as they crossed the sea.
They departed from Bremen
to seek a new land’s safe haven
on the Sovereign Ship Leipzig:
a two funnel/two mast rig.
In “stearage” the small family came,
Just five with misspelled Geerdts name;
One suitcase each as they came ashore
under Fort McHenry’s watch in Baltimore.
With little more than their love, hope and trust
they paved the way. Happy Valentine’s to us!
Valentine’s Day With A White V-Neck: Romantic IMprov Haiku
He asked to be her/
Valentine: White t-shirt with/
red barbeque stains.
Loud Mouth Shy Guy: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She never knew: Down/
the alley was a guy who/
had no guts to ask.
Long Song Short To K: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Tho she doesn’t like/
haiku, she might enjoy this,/
knowing who it’s for.
Are Compliments Kind If True? Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Is a compliment/
kind if it is true? Do we/
speak nice when honest?