If you often go/
into the woods, you’ll witness/
the season’s first blooms.
Tag Archives: poet David Kuhns
It’s In Her: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
My daughter: Before/
she ran with wolves, she danced with/
salmon, spied turtles.
Loon Calls The Sunset Goodbye: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem
My video camera ran,/
dancing with the lake’s waves/
and the sky’s reflections.
My fingers froze,
trying to hold lens steady,
silently breathing.
I’ve learned to be quiet,
to live with the pain
of stillness.
It was all worth it
to hear a lone loon
call the sunset goodbye.
Finally About Her: Romantic Blogging Haiku
She asked why poems were/
about others, not her. They/
weren’t. This is. Goodbye.
Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes: Romantic Email Free Verse Poem
Change is good.
Change is fun.
Change is.
Where’d She Go So Long? Romantic IMprov Haiku
Her long departure/
caused him to wonder where she’d/
gone and to do what.