It was my parents’/
job to tell me *to change shirts,/
not some teenage girl’s.
not one of my friend’s.
*my shirts stunk.
Tag Archives: poet David Kuhns
Zombies And The Resurrection: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Utah’s obsessed with/
zombies. Is it because of/
the Resurrection?
Where’s The Joy? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
If “Man is that he/
might have joy”, why don’t Utah/
men look real happy?
Her Wooing Power: Romantic Rhyming IMprov Haiku
She is wooing me/
beyond my capacity/
to hold back my heart.
Start Of A Tough Journey: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
“Don’t stop believin'”/
means even more now to me/
than it did before.
A Chili’s Birthday: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Randomly singing/
“Happy Birthday” to unknown/
kids makes grandmas smile.