Three Spanish women/
walking on the strand, time waves/
captured forever.
Tag Archives: poet David Kuhns
Getting A Farmer’s Tan: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When you drive *in a/
ragtop in the sun, you’ll get/
a nice farmer’s tan.
*with your top down
Driving Heart Pain: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
If I have a bad/
heart attack when driving, who/
will answer my phone?
How To Write Better: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Your assignment for /
today is: Write. If you don’t/
write, you won’t write well.
She Called Me Names: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
She used to call me/
names, but I liked them. They were/
all complement’ry.
Still: Romantic Improv Haiku
I breathe peaks’ rare air;/
eat anti-oxidants. She/
takes my breath away.
I Did What You Asked: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
You tell me to leave/
you alone, so I do. I/
don’t know what to say.
She tells him to leave/
her alone, so he does. So/
now, what should he say?