The wind blowing, birds
chirping, leaves rustling and waves/
lapping make me sleep.
Tag Archives: poet David Kuhns
Dappled Diamond Water Begging: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
Dappled lake water/
shines like a thousand diamonds/
and begs* me to sail.
No Ticket At Lambeau: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When you drive stupid,/
but are a Pack shareholder,/
Green Bay cops are nice.
Led Home By The Full Moon’s Light: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
She didn’t want to/
help guide me home. No matter:/
The full moon shone bright.
Keeping Awake: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku Lament
If she were driving/
late and needed me to keep/
her awake, I would.
Why I Said Nothing: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
It’s not that I had/
nothing to say. I just had/
no time to say it.