So much to see.
So much to do.
So much to live.
So much to…
So what should I?
Tag Archives: poet David Kuhns
Despicable Man: Haiku Lament
It’s sad that, many/
years later, she can make me/
feel despicable.
Revealing Your Past Carefully: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Many folks from your/
now and future won’t know your past/
save you reveal some.
This came off of a meme which said:
“So many people from your past know a version of you that doesn’t exist anymore.”
As She Creates Music Theraputic: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
The music which flows/
from her soul knows* what her mind/
can’t articulate.
Escape The Thought Boring: ImproVerse Haiku Lament
In the relentless/
mind-numbing, thought-boring, I/
ask how to escape.
Billboard Bible Quotes: ImproVerse Haiku
You know you’re deep in/
the Bible Belt when billboards/
can quote Hosea.
Too Young For Death: ImproVerse Haiku
Though I don’t fear death,/
I fear I’m dying. Weak and
shakey, I’m too young.
I Sit Here Kayak Why Haiku
Folks drive for hours to/
float the creek that curls through my/
backyard. Why sit I?
float the creek that curls through my/
backyard. Why sit I?
Good Dog Yawp: ImproVerse Haiku

the setting sun was his dog’s/
name. Veruuuuuuuuuuuuuuca! Peace.