Instead of walking/
on grass, I chose the paved path./
Am I losing touch?
Instead of walking/
on the grass, I chose the paved/
path. I’m losing touch.
Tag Archives: poet David Kuhns
Two Neighborhoods. Two Sounds. Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Most neighborhoods have/
singing birds. Mine has freeway/
truck noise. Should I move?
Women Use A Lot: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
If you’re not sure she’ll/
have some, it’s always wise to/
It's Still True. Why Quit? – Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Though I messed up once,/
I still believe and will try/
eternal marriage.
I Confess. I Lied: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament
Yes, I know I’m a/
dirt bag pig dog and you should/
hate me. Get in line.
Yes, I know I’m a/
fiduche pig dog. To despise/
me, take a number.
Why Not Go Dancing: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
She wondered if I/
didn’t go dancing from fear./
More likely, I’m bored.
My Words Aren't Lines: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
My ad lib lines are/
not well rehearsed. In fact, they/
are not lines at all.
Why Trim The Shubbery? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I’d trim bushes so/
trees look taller, but noone/
visits anymore.
Pushing 5000 Poems: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Is it mere numbers?/
Or is it more like genius,/
free and untethered?