Children: Look to the/
Son and find your true self. Then,/
embrace you fully.
*(Originally Daughter)
I call this photograph
I never posted it before,
because I knew
no one would get it.
Wisconsin lake water
covering my ears,
the universal harmonic call.
Sound waves
with lake waves
with brain waves
with heart waves.
It was never posted before.
No one would get it.
She will.
To discover you/
aren’t viewed how you think you are/
can make you sick quick.
When we stop wond’ring/
if some think our actions dumb,/
we learn they’re awesome!
The course
has been set,
laid before us.
What preparations
need to be made
before partaking
in such a sumptuous spread?
Personal cleanliness is paramount.
Though we’ve been preparing
long before,
at last
a cold bath,
warm tub,
hot shower
is needed.
Each makes their choice,
as they also do
for their appropriate attire.
Then, as part of both anticipation
and preparation,
we would, together,
call upon Him
for the blessings of heaven,
each in our own way.
I would be pleased
to share
through the power which we share,
which Father has bestowed,
with hands on her gentle head,
words which are not mine,
but divine,
being with us
and in tune
and focused.
Thus, in all ways
and righteous
and tuned in,
we are then prepared
to participate
and partake
and completely
and righteously,
even if not
How do I make sure/
she won’t feel objectified,/
yet still feels desired?
A rebound is a/
chance to get another chance/
at something you missed.
What does a creative guy have to do
to win the chance to go out with you?
Maybe not rhyme
all of the time?
Ok. I won’t! (That is, I’m through!)