The middle-aged search/
towards light is just as hard/
as womb exiting.
The middle-aged search/
towards the light is much harder/
than leaving the womb.
Tag Archives: poet David Kuhns
Do I Remember? Romantic IMprov Haiku
When a dream girl from/
your past once more reappears/
how should you respond?
My Car’s Faster Than Yours: Revolutionary IMprov Sonnet
Speed is a function
of an open road.
You’re crawling at the junction
of I’s 5 and 90: Overload!
Your powerful Maserati
is stuck in traffic jams.
His cool Ferrari
moves like overcooked Spam.
While my rag-topped Sebring,
tunes up, top down,
heralds the sunshine of Spring
at 80 mph through town.
And fellow freeway observers cheer at my hands:
dancin’ up in the air, like American Band Stand!
Why Be Sorry For Your Heart’s Feelings? Romantic IMprov Haiku
Why are you sorry/
for what your heart wants? You can’t/
change that I’m not that.
Morning Wake Up Call: Romantic IMprov Free Verse Poem
Your hair falls,
flowing gently,
capturing the morning’s
first gold.
Turning into you,
I face quiet beauty.
I move your flaxen strands
off your face,
behind your ear,
exposing your skin.
Leaning in,
my cheek hovers above
feeling your warmth,
like morning sunshine
pulls back the blanket
of the night.
My ear floats
above your lips
so I feel and hear
your deep, morning breath,
and at peace.
My lips
part slightly
to breathe softly
your ear.
as sweetly and
with as low moan
as possible,
I whisper a gentle
“Good morning.”
You stir slightly.
My face drops soft
against yours:
Cheek against
my ear against your
mouth’s corner,
lips against
your ear.
I trust you hear
and feel
the sound of one soft,
against your skin
and your hearing
to your mind
and then your
and then,
your soul,
with a gentle,
morning massage message
of love.
Opening Our Minds: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
When we learn we are/
close-minded, we take the first/
step to opening us.
Conference And Easter Sunday Morning: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Sunday morning I/
sleep in. Celebrate: HE is/
Risen, but I’ve not.
Sunday morning I/
sleep in and witness: HE is/
Risen, but I’ve not.
So What If I Think I Am? Or She Is? – Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
When did being the/
center of the Universe /
become a bad thing?
Prompted by this video:
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False Confidence Dashed: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
It brings sorrow when/
you think you can do something/
well, and learn: You suck!
Small Miracles Pieced Together: Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse
If you research and think of/
how the Nordlanders kept records/
in Stave churches/
as they island hopped;/
How Asbjorn/
had the idea/
to put the Boks together/
the year before I landed;
How my friend’s dad/
knew right where/
Grandpa’s tiny nativity village was /
‘cuz he’d skied there;
How a young pastor/
debarked the ferry/
the same second I did/
after 2 years in the Holy Land;
How his elementary teacher/
bought the same house/
my great-grandmother’s sister owned/
and knew all my relatives;
How those aged Norsk cousins spoke/
such a strong, ancient Dialekt/
that I, Schwyzer-Duetsch schwetzen,/
could understand them/
(and they, Kojak and Rockford TV taught/
got American me, from the heart, baby!)
How much we got done, laughing,/
sharing information and old photos,/
in 2 short Norwegian November days,/
knowing it was a tongue gift;
How those Lind books landed/
in the hands of someone typing/
80 words per minute/
10 miles from a Temple;
How they held me up, /
typing until 2 a.m.,/
and woke me at 4:30 a.m., /
to do their work;
How, when the machine was broken/
and the records lost,/
the data was saved, protected,/
rediscovered and decoded;
If you think about/
and comprehend how all that,/
and more, happened,/
then you’ll know how and why/
those old fiskers/
never let me rest/
until they were,/
and are,
and bound,/