Christmas Perspective Changed: Revolutionary Email Free Verse Poem

T’was a few nights before Christmas
and I was feeling
sorry for myself,
seeing all my friends
and relations
surrounded by kids
and grandkids,
hugging each other,
decorating the houses,
trimming the trees,
making Christmas cookies,
and other
filling their homes
with the joyful laughter,
and sweet smells
of the season.

Then I remembered
what I had,
and who,
and arose out of my pity bed,
sprang to the kitchen,
pre-heated the oven
and made cookies
and my traditional
sweet-smelling apple crisp
for my mother.
Making cookies and apple crisp for Christmas

It Could Be Worse: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem Lament

of my

When your mother
keeps the car trunk light
for 2 days,
that’s what happens.

And what Chrysler engineer
had the idiot idea
to put the battery
in the driver’s-side
wheel well,
behind a splash guard,
with no easily-accessible


I was furious.
45 minutes
and 2 screws out,
6 to go,
I was worse.

I walked home.
I was cold.
I was angry.

Then I met the guy
who was a few blocks away
from getting on the freeway.

He stopped at a stop sign,
and his axle on his old van
and his front wheel
fell off.

And he was grateful.

“It could have been
so much worse.
I was blessed.”

He was right.
And now I’m grateful
and blessed.

Northbound 5:20 p.m. RR Pluses And Minuses: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

Westward view of Utah Lake near Lindon from the 5:20 pm Northbound Front RunnerThe wheels clack and moan./
The coaches bend and sway./
The rails sing along/
to the song of the railway.
You glimpse into hidden back yards;/
junk noone wants you to see./
Ripped apart trash and old cars./
Back-porch sitters, lonely.
Then scenery opens to your view/
that noone else appreciates./
Beaches, marshes, prairies too./
Mountain vistas, sunset lakes.
A new perspective is yours to gain,
to ponder and enjoy when you ride the train.