I Call This One Ohhhhhmmmmmm: Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse

Lake Winneconne Ohhhhmmmm at Sunset, summerI call this photograph

I never posted it before,
because I knew
no one would get it.

Wisconsin lake water
covering my ears,
the universal harmonic call.

Sound waves
with lake waves
with brain waves
with heart waves.


It was never posted before.
No one would get it.

She will.

Harmonic Memories Of A Sunset Float: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

Oohm float sunset, July, Lake Winneconne, WisconsinGazing at her golden hair
and softly glowing skin/
made me wish I was again there.
A Midwest lake: I’m diving in.

I float in the sunset,
and lay there, half submerged;
half warmed by sun, half cooled with wet;
harmonizing breathing and chirping birds.

An hummed experience of oohhmmm that was new.
A sung peace that tuned my innermost core.
The harmonic returns again as I view
her golden-toned decoutage’ once more.

She somehow can carry within her calm face
the memories and tones of another peaceful place.

Joining With Ohhhmmmm: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse

Ohhhmmmmm in Lake Winneconne at SunsetThe aboriginal digereedoo,
the tribal plains call,
the ohmmm of India and China.

The harmonic
of the Uni-

Floating on my back
in Winneconne,
with my ears covered
by lake water,
facing the sunset,
“Wenn yaa! Wenn yaa hummmmmmm”
feels in harmony with
it all
and them all.