There Are Some Now! Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku She asked: “Why are there/ no tracks in the snow?”. I thought: / “That’s a great question!”
Cali Girl’s First Snow Angel: Revolutionary Blogging Song Sung to the tune of “The First Noel” Her first snow angel she made this way, was in the new snow that fell on Salt Lake today! And as she waved her legs and arms, to flakes they gave new heavenly form! Angel, Angel! Angel! Angel!!! Lay in the snow and Make yours as well!
December On The Water: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku Lake Winneconne Dock New snow, winter warmth,/ sunshine and clear waters call: / One last canoe trip.
Fun Memories In New Snow: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku Tracks in the new snow/ make me think of school yard fun/ I had long ago.