Late Spring Night, Utah Lake: Revolutionary Email Free Verse Poem

It is said there are
ten reasons
Walking barefoot can
Heal you
And connect you
With Earth Mother
And her vibe
And her nurturing
And her love,
So you can feel whole
And connected
And in tune again.
Footprints and piled clothes: Sandy Beach, Utah Lake, May 2015
I take off my shoes
And leave footprints
In the sand.
I walk out
To the lake water’s edge.
I feel
The universal harmonic
Putting me in sync.

The rest of my clothes
Follow and pile
On my shoes.
My glasses,
So no one can see me.

My toe marks
in the lake
Are quickly scoured
By wavelets
And my wake
As I walk
And walk
And walk
To where my knees
Stay damp.

In the half moonlight
I guess
I look like a white blob
As I lean back
between her cold breasts,
into her firm stomach
And let her
Wash over me
And around me
And through me,
And connect me
And harmonize me
And cleanse me.

I stand.
And the east wind
shrink me
So much into myself
That I feel me
In me
And know who I am
As part of her
And it
And all.

Diamonds Hung: Revolutionary IMproVerse Free Verse Poem

Orion’s Belt hung
on the west canyon rim,
like three diamonds
on the velvet black counter
of God’s cosmic jewelry store.

I didn’t ask to buy them,
for they were already in
my possession,
and the experience,
next to the rushing river rapids,
under a waxing half moon,
caressed by the cool canyon breeze,
was priceless.

I simply pointed at the three diamonds,
and thanked my Heavenly Shopkeeper .

So What If I Think I Am? Or She Is? – Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

When did being the/
center of the Universe /
become a bad thing?

Prompted by this video:

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Homage To The Moon, Setting: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem

Full Moon setting amidst cottonwoods, willows, maples over Lake WinneconneIt’s early morning./
The sun/
sleeps in./

In this winter farmland,/
lazy like me,/
has not yet shucked
his blanket.

But the moon,/
and luscious,/
works her way/
through cold/
tree fingers./

They reach skyward
to cup her/
and hold her/
and uphold her/
until Apollo/
can wake up.