Lift Where I Stand: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Iambic Poem

If I’m to lift where I stand/
How often should I reprimand/
Others for their silliness?/
The government for causing duress?/
Our kids and friends for giving us stress?

Capitalists for raising prices?
Immoral folks who are spreading vices?
Big industry for pollution?
Bankers with no economic solution?

Do we rail as some try to do good?
Could their motives be misunderstood?
We often stand and criticize,
As we look with judging eyes.

What if we focused our critical gaze
Into our own internal maze?
Wouldn’t we see so much clearer
If we looked, first and only, into the mirror?

Would we be able to do more good
If we learned to lift where we stood?
We do not stick our heads in the sand/
When we help by lifting where we stand.
For isn’t it said: There is nothing greater
than loving God by serving our neighbor?

Another Good Mistake: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

Empanada mistake ala' The Esquire: Apple filing covered with spicy guacamole' sauce and sour creamGuacamole and/
apple empanada is/
a pleasant surprise.
Backstory: Dining at The Esquire on the Riverwalk in San Antonio, I ordered the braised short-ribs empanada. When I cut into it, (covered with spicy guacamole and sour cream), it was quite tasty… but didn’t look like pork. A little digging verified the truth: It was apple and cinnamon! The server wanted to take it back, but… I enjoyed the sweet and savory combo so much that I insisted on finishing it. When she said “I won’t charge you for that”, I said “And I won’t charge you for being your taste tester!”
It was a great mistake!

I Won’t Care On Judgement Day: Revolutionary Improv Free Verse

There are many who have done
far worse things
than I have,
who have lived lives
unbecoming of what they should be,
who falsify what
they say they represent,
who are punished less than me.

They don’t care.

When I stand before the great bar,
with my mistakes,
and my sins,
and my lies,
and all the things that I’ve done wrong,
those wrongs which I have tried
so hard
to admit,
and repent of,
will He who is
the great Judge of all look upon me
more kindly
and with more mercy
than He looks at them?

I don’t care.