Pixels Of Light, Words On A Page: Romantic Blogging Iambic Poetic Lament

I stand
as a man,
and expose
my soul
and my head
with dread,
and my heart.
Women want to see other parts:

The plump
gut or rump,
the face wrinkles,
the sprinkles
of grey
I won’t wash away.
For until we’ve met in person,
I’m a pixels of light version.
I could be real,
like what I feel,
or just a joke
made with mirrors and smoke.

I write words
some deep, some absurd
that say who I am,
and she’ll listen
and, if in tune,
she might swoon
and think me great,
and can not wait.
To greet me.
She feels romantically
thinks I might be divine,
and just right.
But it requires sight.
We can’t be complete
until we at last meet.

I’m just paint on her palette;
a sculptor’s chisel and mallet
laying still and unused.
And she’s just my dreamed Muse.

I park
my car,
stand up, and from afar,
She sees no spark.
She feels no fun.
We’re done.
Over. Finito. Finished.
Visions once so delish
are now just pixels of light
that failed to ignite.

Words on a page
which once engaged
her mind, heart and soul,
no longer glow,
but now vanish,
and the mist
of possibility
ceases to be.

(Except, guess what?
It could be “Or Not!”)

Unstick Yourself: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku

Being stuck is not/
where your body lives. It is/
*where your head is at.
Where’s your head and heart?
Being stuck has zilch/
to do with where your body/
is. Where is your head.?

This Fits To A T: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poetry

You were the mother
of my escape,
of the start
of the birth
of my
(as yet unfinished)
self-discovery journey.

It was you
who set my feet on the path
that opened up my soul
and my heart
and my mind
to what could be
and should be
and now,

A Birthday Sonnet For My Daughter

You, daughter, and I are apart
By physical distance.
By directions of the heart.
By life’s circumstance.

By twists and turns
Caused by poor choices made;
By hard lessons not learned;
By words said and unsaid.

Yet in my heart, mind and soul,
You dwell with me.
Everywhere I go,
You’re with me constantly.

No matter how far apart we may roam
In my heart you’ll always have a home.

Power Of Words: Revolutionary IMprov Poetry

Words can

Those words
are not
“our word,”
but instead,
our words:
Those that we say
and write

Those words
are also heard
in our heads.

Always ready.
Already steadily

Though verbose,
I am not
a master of words.

They are my tools,
at times.
But other times
they scream so loudly
in my head
that they unravel,
and destroy me.

To become a master
of words,
I must become the master
of my word-thoughts.