I found a poem I/
wrote her in late December./
Will she remember?
Tag Archives: memory
She Was Here Twice: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
My best mem’ries of/
this town involve someone who/
just visited here.
My best mem’ries of/
my city are with someone/
who just visited.
Harmonic Memories Of A Sunset Float: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

and softly glowing skin/
made me wish I was again there.
A Midwest lake: I’m diving in.
I float in the sunset,
and lay there, half submerged;
half warmed by sun, half cooled with wet;
harmonizing breathing and chirping birds.
An hummed experience of oohhmmm that was new.
A sung peace that tuned my innermost core.
The harmonic returns again as I view
her golden-toned decoutage’ once more.
She somehow can carry within her calm face
the memories and tones of another peaceful place.
I’m Repenting: Revolutionary IMproVerse Haiku
When you stand and preach,/
doesn’t the mem’ry of what/
we did call you out?
When she teaches, why/
doesn’t the memory of what/
we did trigger guilt?
Unfair Everywhere Memories: Romantic IMproVerse Rhyming Haiku Lament
It’s just not fair. No/
matter where I look there’s her/
mem’ries everywhere.
Train Moonlight: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Free Verse Poetic Lament
The midnight train’s
lonesome call
awakened me.
I looked to see
a bright light
bearing down on me.
I panicked
until I realized
it was again
the damn
to once more
my heart
with missing you
Places Along The Freeway: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Laughing, I thought it/
looked like a place where we had/
enjoyed* us. It was!