When you wear thrift store/
high-waters, it’s good to have/
Albert Einstein socks.
Tag Archives: Kuhns
Teach A Man To Fish Starvation: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
You may teach a man/
to fish, but if he won’t go/
where they swim, he’ll starve.
What Would It Take Weekends: Romantic IMprov Haiku
What would it take to/
be the man with her weekends/
and for forever?
Waiting Her Out Purity: Romantic Email Sonnet
While waiting for her /
to maybe call,/
I hope she’s as pure/
as those who have no gall.
She’s playing with me,/
but I don’t mind./
For a good woman like rubies/
is usually hard to find.
Of course her name/
could belie her personality./
Maybe it’s just a game./
Maybe she’s just BSing me.
Only by waiting her out will I ever discover/
beyond any doubt if she’d be a purifying lover.
It’s In Her: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
My daughter: Before/
she ran with wolves, she danced with/
salmon, spied turtles.
Loon Calls The Sunset Goodbye: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem
My video camera ran,/
dancing with the lake’s waves/
and the sky’s reflections.
My fingers froze,
trying to hold lens steady,
silently breathing.
I’ve learned to be quiet,
to live with the pain
of stillness.
It was all worth it
to hear a lone loon
call the sunset goodbye.