Dairyland* farmers/
use silos for grain stores and/
July 4th flagpoles.
Bird poop. Algae. Scum./
Carp slime. I don’t care. I still/
bathe in lake water.
I almost get her/
out of my mind … and then she/
reappears again.
She spends her time in/
my blog*, reading. I’d prefer/
she spend time with me.
my poems
I was called Clark Kent/
again. She would not check and/
rip open my shirt.
When the going gets/
tough in my life, I cast a/
lure in the water.
Why do 70’s/
love songs make me miss her, a/
60s girl, right now?
Did I get* what I/
wanted or give her what she’d/
never known about**?
**had before