When I die, I’ll be/
proud to have “Do you like my/
Hat?” on my coffin.
Tag Archives: ImproVerse haiku
Expired Tabs: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Been rollin’ dirty/
For so long I don’t recall/
what drivin’ clean’s like.
My Birthday Thanks: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
On my birthday, it’s/
only appropriate to/
thank her for life’s gift.
… love’s gift.
Ouch. OUCH! Oh, Oh! Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When you are on blood/
thinner, use caution. Don’t be/
hasty when shaving.
Why Ask? Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament
Why ask what I want/
to do if you’re just going/
to do something else*?
to do what you want?
Not Hard Swiss Chard: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
It was not hard to/
grow Swiss chard, so why did I/
delay the harvest?
Unknown Culinary Delight
Who knew, as the chard/
grew, what boiling, olive oil,/
lime and herbs would do?
I Could Yodel, It’s Sooooo GOOD!
Italian herbs and/
seasonings meet Swiss chard for/
a Alpine taste treat!
She’d Never Had Before
At 84, she’d/
never had Swiss chard before./
But now, she wants more.
New Rock ‘N’ Roll T-Shirts + Einstein: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Shopping in SoCal/
swap meets lets you expand your/
t-shirt collection.
La Jolla Cove T-Shirt Vendor Verse: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
Why should I rebel/
against another’s verse? It’s/
not competition.