Torn tendons. Torqued back./
Bruised wrist. Blisters. Bad eyes. Scouts,/
yard work, or marriage?
Tag Archives: ImproVerse haiku
ACO (Always Called Out) : Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When you must prove all/
you say, you begin to doubt/
everything you’ve heard.
But How? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I’m not ready for/
how hard things are, so must fight/
March Madness Love Choice: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
You can choose sports or/
love, but if you choose love you/
always choose rightly.
Where She Goes Away: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
She’s deep in her phone/
at sunset. Pink Floyd plays: “How/
I wish you were here.”
Trust Versus Doubt: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Wherever there’s trust, /
doubt also appears. Expect/
it, then ignore doubt.
A Good New Year: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Black-eyed peas, pecan/
pie, and Dawg’s win for New Year’s./
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