When you feel like you/
can’t yawp, then you need to get /
out in to Nature.
Tag Archives: ImproVerse haiku
Why A Phone In Nature? ImproVerse Haiku
I am emersed deep/
in nature. So why am I/
looking at my phone?
Old Nature New Perspective: Haiku
It’s the same old land/
but a new perspective and/
view makes it seem new.
Mowed Vanishing Wildflowers Haiku
Now my lawn mower /
laid bare my backyard, watch my/
wildflowers vanish.
Yes, We Yawp. Free Verse
Their neighbor asked,
with a slight tone of criticism and consternation in his voice,
“Why do you yawp each evening
at the setting of the sun?”
To which she responded,
with a slightly bemused
yet amused smile:
“Why don’t you?”
–From the Wisdom of Marnie Lynn Kuhns
Here is a great scene about Walt Whitman’s Barbaric Yawp from Dead Poets Society. RIP WW and Robin.

Glad I Came Outside: Nature Observation Rhyming Haiku
Frogs and fireflies/
plus pink-blue burned skies make me/
glad I came outside.
Youth Need Experience: Haiku
When youth have all the/
disadvantages I had/
maybe I’ll listen.
New Food Plus Leftovers Fat: Haiku Lament
New food comes while the/
fridge fills with leftovers. I/
wonder why I’m fat.
Broken Mirror, Broken Pipe, Help Yourself: Haiku Lament
When I ask for help,/
get none, then break what I need/
help with, I’ll just quit.
Her Voice, Raised: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
In the end, it won’t/
matter if your voice was heard,/
just that it was raised.