Its true: I don’t write/
my deep feelings for her. They’re/
too mushy and sweet.
Tag Archives: ImproVerse haiku
Waving Thanks To The Sunrise: ImproVerse Haiku
I might not have time/
to take a picture, but I/
can still wave “Thank you!”
Wake Up! Get Up! Do! ImproVerse Haiku
It is time that I/
get up and do all the things /
He’s telling me to.
Don’t Deny Her: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
When you doubt yourself,/
you think you’re not loveable./
What if she doesn’t?
I’m A Fat Chigger Lunch: ImproVerse Haiku
I sit fat on a /
white wrought-iron bench with a big/
bulged Buddha belly.
I sit with my big/
Buddha belly, and feel the/
chiggers eat my legs.
Buddha belly, and feel the/
chiggers eat my legs.
Keyboard Of Damocles: Haiku Lament
When you feel you must/
write and it hangs over your/
head, joy may vanish.
As She Creates Music Theraputic: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
The music which flows/
from her soul knows* what her mind/
can’t articulate.
Escape The Thought Boring: ImproVerse Haiku Lament
In the relentless/
mind-numbing, thought-boring, I/
ask how to escape.
I Sit Here Kayak Why Haiku
Folks drive for hours to/
float the creek that curls through my/
backyard. Why sit I?
Good Dog Yawp: ImproVerse Haiku
My evening yawp at/
the setting sun was his dog’s/
name. Veruuuuuuuuuuuuuuca! Peace.