Taking Advice From God: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku

We all get road maps.
We all get guidance.
We all get advice
from different sources.

Why not get
counsel and advice
from Someone Who
loves us perfectly
and Who only
wants our highest
and best good,
with no ulterior motives?

Joining With Ohhhmmmm: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse

Ohhhmmmmm in Lake Winneconne at SunsetThe aboriginal digereedoo,
the tribal plains call,
the ohmmm of India and China.

The harmonic
of the Uni-

Floating on my back
in Winneconne,
with my ears covered
by lake water,
facing the sunset,
“Wenn yaa! Wenn yaa hummmmmmm”
feels in harmony with
it all
and them all.