Slipping While Climbing: Romantic Blogging Sonnet

He tried to climb/
to her lofty peak.
Companionship sublime/
was what he’d seek.
He lost the right path/
along that high way.
Trying to create laughs;
he failed in what to say.
As he fell and slipped/
down the mountain side,/
he murmured to himself, tight lipped:
“That wasn’t how I should have tried.”
He wondered: Could he try again, change and repent/
now that he was sure where the correct path went?

Troll Tasting Not Wasting: Romantic IMproVerse Sonnet

Well golly Gee!/
And good for you!/
You’re getting to see/
What you wanted to!/

You wanted so bad to go/
You could nearly taste it!/
You would’ve gone with a troll!/
It’d be a pity to waste it!/

Spend your evening with some other/
instead of with me./
Perhaps he’ll be the lover/
that I can no longer be./

And now that your old ticket is free/
I’ll search to discover who’ll go with me*!

I’ll search for another who wants to be with me.

Chastising Christian Eric: Revolutionary ImproVerse Sonnet

Oh Christian Eric, thou poor fool./
Rox Lisa wants to make you drool,/
while I, Cy, sit and dream of her,/
Mine is but a dream deferred.

For she somehow has chosen you/
to stir your magic verbal stew./
While my attentions are ignored/
And get discarded out her door.

And that’s where I don’t understand/
how I, a kind, romantic man,/
can be cast off as a verbal suitor./
Are you that much younger and cuter?

If only I had half the chance/
As you to pursue her in romance!

Finding Our Guides: Revolutionary ImproVerse Sonnet

We all stand at the brink/
Of new horizons, and think/
Of what we can’t do,/
And fear, instead of soldiering through./

We feel like we’re all alone
far from the familiar surroundings of home.
But there are others who’ve walked this path,
who wait and hope and want to be asked.

And when we look, we’ll find/
those Guides wise and kind,/
Who’ll lead us past terror’s door,/
For they’ve passed this way before./

Our new friends can help us go the distance
if we have courage to seek their assistance

A Painful Birthday Poem For My Daughter: Revolutionary ImproVerse Sonnet Lament

I stuck out my foot and broke her arm.
I laughed ’til she cut her face.
I watched her play ’til a shoulder
blew harshly out of its place.

I held her, gently, down
as needles tapped her spine.
She looked at me, surprised,
and winced but didn’t whine.

I sat there and listened
as she poured out what was inside.
It was my shoulder she reached for
when she broke down and cried.

But none of those childhood pains can even start
To compare to the trust lost when I broke her tender heart.

A Birthday Sonnet For My Daughter

You, daughter, and I are apart
By physical distance.
By directions of the heart.
By life’s circumstance.

By twists and turns
Caused by poor choices made;
By hard lessons not learned;
By words said and unsaid.

Yet in my heart, mind and soul,
You dwell with me.
Everywhere I go,
You’re with me constantly.

No matter how far apart we may roam
In my heart you’ll always have a home.

My Daughter’s Daring Gift: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

My darling, dying daughter is daring.
Willing to explore her feelings,
able to express her caring
through the pain and suffering she’s revealing.

Though she fears loathing and ridicule,
she loves unseen others more.
By exposing her personal fire’s fuel,
she’s guiding sufferers to a hopeful shore.

Today someone who she’s never met
was lead to read her writings.
As my daughter exposed experiences we’d rather forget
she gave another hope to keep on fighting.

Sometimes a greater love for another just means
we don’t have to die; we just have to be seen.

Written after my daughter wrote in her blog Milla the Night Baker
and someone responded at 5:06 a.m. on October 8th, 2012 saying how her writing was helping.

Who I Write About: Romantic IMprov Sonnet

Who do I write about?
You know they’re about you.
You may outwardly doubt
but gaze my verse through.

You may argue
and not believe what I say.
I know that you
can’t watch yourself play.

You may deride
and hold my words in derision
and may cast them aside
because you don’t see my vision.

You may not see you that way, but I do.
No matter what you say, my vision is true.

What Is Life’s Destination: Romantic IMprov Sonnet

It doesn’t matter where the trail goes,
the kind of views we see.
Travel’s about life’s ebb and flow;
the connection of you and me.

The activities we could daily face
would pale in significance,
and become secondary in their place
to what we do in our own love’s dance.

Others may travel far and wide
to create their new experience.
But we, firmly at each other’s side,
daily grab and relish that chance.

For our souls have learned that these facts are true:
I’m your touchstone, and my destination is you.

Watching, Helpless, My Daughter Die: Revolutionary Improv Sonnet Lament

I’m watching my daughter die.
She’s starving her body to death.
Why can’t I even cry?
Why can’t I barely draw a breath?

What brought her to this bleak abyss?
Does it really matter?
All I know is that she’d be missed;
My world would be much sadder.

So I’m putting aside my selfish ways,
my lack of focus and my pride.
I will spend my talents and days
in efforts to fix her dying insides.

Was I responsible for her ills? I now don’t care.
But I know I’ll be at fault if I just leave them there.