The more that you see,/
the more that you sense, the more/
you’ll Experience.
Tag Archives: improv rhyming haiku
Me = Poetry = Intensity: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Haiku
If you enjoy me/
and my poetry, get used/
to intensity.
Friends’ Nice Advice: Revolutionary Improv Rhyming Haiku
Why do I ask friends/
for advice? What they give is/
never very nice.
Asking For Romance: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Haiku
You ask for romance./
Should I take a chance with a/
sweet verbal caress?
Vanishing Woman: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Haiku
She suddenly and/
completely would vanish, and/
I never knew why.
Always A Muse Amusing Though Confusing: Romantic Improv Rhyming Haiku
You, though you’re confused/
and confusing, always are/
my Muse, amusing.