Once upon a time/
my Sunday School teacher said: /
“Shape Up!” So I did!
Tag Archives: IMprov Poetry
Hard To Work: Romantic IMprov Haiku
One should not be in/
love, in the next room, playing/
romantic music.
Will I Go Silent? Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
When you’re always wrong,/
perhaps you’ll learn to not speak,/
or check facts better.
Chosing My Words Carefully: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
There are times when my/
response seems trite. It’s ‘cuz I/
must do it justice.
How My Labor of Love is Lost: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Introduce your love/
to Shakespeare with care! Pick plays/
sans pedantic speech.
On The Beach, In The Woods, Up A Creek: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Some say my life was/
confusion. They never saw/
me dream, walking here.
Lying In The Clover: Revolutionary IMprov Sonnet

on a sunny Spring day,
you need not mull problems over;
the world seems far away.
Take off your shoes;
lay down your blanket or quilt.
Cast off your troubles and blues.
Relax yourself without any guilt.
Let your heels connect to Mother Earth.
Grab the moment to fee the sun shine all around.
Drink deep of harmony, peace, joy, healing, mirth.
Harvest insights deep and profound.
Your’re shadowed cuz your sweetheart nuzzled up to your face?
Enjoy the warmth of it all. You’ll never find a better place!
She Casts A Long Shadow: Revolutionary Romantic IMprov Haiku
She casts long shadows/
on my Facebook photos, so/
I’ll friend her at last.
I Wish I Had A Vantage Point: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
There are times, (mostly),
when any vantage point is/
much better than none.
Ask Tough Questions Result: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Ask tough questions and/
you’ll get hard answers. But then/
you can deal with them.