Vile temptress, she!/
Posting food porn photos of/
desserts I’ll ne’er taste!
Tag Archives: IMprov Poetry
So What If I Think I Am? Or She Is? – Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
When did being the/
center of the Universe /
become a bad thing?
Prompted by this video:
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False Confidence Dashed: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
It brings sorrow when/
you think you can do something/
well, and learn: You suck!
Unkind Begging: Romantic Blogging Rhyming Haiku
Is it unkind to/
tell her that I pine, and ask/
her to change her mind?
How To Move Her: Romantic IMprov Haiku
I dream of her in /
wonder, and wonder what I/
could do to move her.
I dream of her in/
wonder, and wonder how I/
could move her to me.
Ora Pro Vous: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
If all I can do/
is pray for you, then that is/
what I’ll gladly do.
Her Dining Choice: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
She could have dined on/
Asian noodles. Instead, she’ll/
feast on haiku’d words.
Banter To Introspection: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
As sun’s light leaves the/
evening sky, light banter turns/
to introspection.
Where Would The Ruby-ed Shoe-bied Teacher Go? Revolutionary Improv Rhyming Poem
The blonde teacher/
crossed and uncrossed/
her ankles slow /
and lo!/
I watched her toes/
back-and-forth and to-and-fro/
and so/
I wondered where she would go/
if she clicked together, in the front row,/
her ruby slippers? I-O/
wa? Idaho?
I don’t know.
Subjectivity In Creativity: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
“Good” is subjective/
when it’s used creatively./
There’s no God to judge.