Eating Bruised Peaches; Putting Up Peaches For Me; Waste Not Bruised Peaches: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku(s)

Thoughts gleaned while putting up ripe (and sometimes bruised) Brigham City Utah peachesI had several insights while cleaning, slicing and freezing/putting up two boxes of Brigham City peaches.

Grandma Liked Bruised Fruit — 19:50 p.m.
Grandma taught me that/
even the bruised parts of fruit/
are juicy. I’m glad!

Fighting Gender Stereotypes: Putting Up Peaches for ME — 20:00 p.m.
When I’m putting up/
peaches why do women think/
my Mom asked me to?

Waste Not Bruised Peaches — 21:07 p.m.
Several peaches were/
bruised. I ate them all. Waste not…./
The night will be long.

Feeling The Day: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

A friend taught me the difference between “Carpe Diem” and “Palpō Diem” (“Seize the Day” versus “Feel the Day”.
Feeling the day means/
taking advantage of each/

My Silent Muse: Romantic IMprov Haiku

Even when you’re still/
silent, you, still, strike my chords/
and remain my muse.


Even when you are/
silent, you strike my heart’s chords/
and become my muse.