His beautiful words/
were inspired by her inner/
and outer beauty.
Tag Archives: IMprov haiku
Thrill Of Thrilling: Romantic IMprov Haiku
He often wondered/
if he would ever have the/
thrill of thrilling her.
Late-Night Opportunity: Romantic IMprov Haiku
There are times when the/
chance of a lifetime appears/
and we yawn* through it.
We’re Busy And Smart: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Haiku
I know you’re busy./
So am I. But we’re both smart./
We should at least try.
Make Love, Not Sex: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Instead of wond’ring/
when sex will happen for you,/
make love all the time.
Giving Hugs Is Hard: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
I stood on the street,/
arms outstretched for hugs. Dogs and/
children gave freely.
There’s Always Hope: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
The great thing about/
Tomorrow is that it will/
always offer Hope.
Flying To The City Of New Orleans, Crying: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
As I wait to fly/
to N’awleans, my daughter’s/
note moves me to tears.
Intellectual Vacuum: Romantic IMprov Haiku
If intellects hold/
discussions sans responses,/
do their heads implode?
Y B Sorry For Opportunities? Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
I would never say/
“sorry” when change opens new/