When she said writing/
my feelings wasn’t needed,/
she ripped off fingers.
Tag Archives: IMprov haiku
Woman Straddles Train Tracks: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Bird flies, faces out/
of her cage, strains to self-train/
so she’ll stay on track.
Following Her Gaze: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She gazes downward/
as if to read her soul, deep./
May I turn pages?
Tattooed Temple Folk: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
In God’s temple there’s/
folks with tats, ‘cuz He just cares/
where their hearts are at.
On My Daughter’s Birthday: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
There should be a poem/
for her birthday, but she’s too/
awesome. Oh, wait. There!
C Sizzler Appropriate: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Did the celebrants/
choose the event location/
to describe her looks?
While The Muse Sleeps: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She will wake up to/
words unbounded, thoughts released,/
passions unfettered.
Shun Coming Of Age: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Why would I want to/
write about an event I’m/
trying to avoid?
Eating Away The Pain Alternative: Romantic IMprov Haiku
He offered to change/
her life. Don’t eat Doritos;/
munch on Davidos.
Beauty’s Vision: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Every vision of/
her beauty makes my stomach /
capture butterflies.