Bell Bottom Intentions For High School Reunions

Backstory:  As I prepared for my 50th High School Reunion (including registering on-line on the high school’s reunion site), a woman I barely knew and I started writing about past intentions, bell bottoms, and memories. One evening, I wrote several haiku based on life reflections… and thinking about wearing hip-hugger bell bottom’d jeans to the reunion.

Wearing bell bottoms
removes our blues, if we let
them make us groovy.

Put out intentions
for what you want, what you need,
what is right. They’ll come.

I fear to again
wear hip hugger jeans, for my
hips have long vanished.

I arise in a
zone, long ago forgotten,
searching with new eyes.

Pawpaw Male and Female Difference: Haiku

Out with my paintbrush
finding pawpaw pollen. Once
you see gold, it clicks.

At the request of a #PawpawFanatic on Facebook, I followed up with a limerick:

Telling pawpaw gender is easy
if you look when it’s not breezy.
Glance at a bloom when it’s still.
You won’t get a thrill,
but the males will make you sneezy.