A Citizen’s Warning And Lament: Improv Free Verse

Spend your life paying taxes,
Volunteering in the community,
Coaching others children to become better citizens, team players, more healthy.

Offer your life
Working to feed and shelter the homeless,
Leading youth on wilderness trips and service projects,
Giving of your time, talents, money,
and everything you have to your church.

And when the time comes
that one of your own needs help,
because she is too old,
she doesn’t have insurance,
you make too much money,
her condition isn’t seen as a disease,
and she becomes so thin
that she falls through the cracks,

Prepare, then, oh Citizen!
to stand by
and watch her die
and wish you could you have volunteered
and paid
and given of your time, talents,
and everything that you had
to bless her life
and keep her alive.

I Won’t Care On Judgement Day: Revolutionary Improv Free Verse

There are many who have done
far worse things
than I have,
who have lived lives
unbecoming of what they should be,
who falsify what
they say they represent,
who are punished less than me.

They don’t care.

When I stand before the great bar,
with my mistakes,
and my sins,
and my lies,
and all the things that I’ve done wrong,
those wrongs which I have tried
so hard
to admit,
and repent of,
will He who is
the great Judge of all look upon me
more kindly
and with more mercy
than He looks at them?

I don’t care.